'Use alternate surface rendering', which uses a different kind of rendering surface to render the game faster on some devices.
Java 17 is now integrated into the launcher for running 1.17+.Profiles are added! Now you can keep multiple setups of the game with different selected renderers, JVMs, and game directories.Color selector for controls has been changed.Controls have been reworked and improved and extended, gamepad latency is frame perfect.failure to load shaders used by Minecraft 1.17+ and some server custom resourcepacks.random crashes on pre-1.13 versions without VBO enabled.GL4ES 1.1.4 was replaced with a custom fork, adding many features and bug fixes to it, such as.VGPU and all variants of GL4ES 1.1.5 have been removed from the launcher.App now requires a premium account, otherwise installation of the game assets are denied from the launcher itself.